Constitutional reforms of 1939 Ad

In september 1939,the Maharaja promulgated the jammu and kashmir constitution Act.This Act made some amendments in the constitution Act of 1934 AD.the Reform Act of 1939 A.D. increased the number of elected members of the Praja sabha from 33 to 40.the new constitrution did not give any important powers to the praja sabha and it remained only a consultative body as before.the praja sabha was empowered to make laws for the state subjectspass all legislaions pertaining to the taxes as distinguihed from fees and penalties and to vote on the demands made by the government for budget approriations, with the exception of  some non-votable item.The Reforms of 1939 fell short of the expections of both the National Conference  and the Muslim conference and these parties continued to press the Government for the establishment or a truly responsible government in the state.


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